# Releasing

Here you can find a quick guide how to release a new version of the application. It's not so hard, just follow this simple rules, and you will be fine.

Releasing to production.

  1. In the GitLab create new Pull Request from branch develop to prod branch.

  2. Name it with new release number, e.g. 1.3.4. Not sure what number you should add, check the changelog and the last one will be your reference.

  3. Once all the code that you need to include in your release will be on develop branch, tested and ready to release just merge you pull request. The automation deployment will deal with all the rest things.

  4. Check production once again if it's finally ok and fine.

Releasing to production with staging.

You can check you new version, new code also on staging environment. On stage instance you will be able to check you code with the production code and database from the backend. You can do this on two ways.

  1. Force push your develop branch to the staging.
git push origin --force develop:stage
  1. Create pull request to stage branch with the same pattern as for production.