# Overview
Principles describing the sprint planning process. We divide the sprint into 5 phases:
- [TRANSFER] transfer of business requirements (epics creation)
- [TECH] discussing the requirements with the team, acceptance (technical meeting/s, backlog creation and estimations)
- [DEMO] optional sprint demo meeting (if any sprint ended)
- [PLANNING] sprint planning meeting (sprint backlog creation, sprint backlog size = tasks : [velocity - 25% meetings])
- [RETRO] team retrospective meeting (to summarize the sprint)
# Epic
Business idea description that can be delivered by the team containing business value.
# Sprint goals
Sprint goals can be shown at the sprint demo meeting. Sprint can have few sprint goals. Each sprint goal needs to have the assigned owner/s.
# Technical meeting
Development team meeting to talk about the idea how the team should deliver the topics from the epic. Create tasks and subtasks with estimations. Tasks should be created according to team DoR principles.
# Sprint demo meeting
At sprint demo meetings, goal owners are supposed to show the delivered features. It would be best to present the delivered items on pre-production (“stage”) or production environments (if bugs). It is accepted to show the features in the “develop’ environment.
# Troubleshooting
- Any critical task/bug that needs to be done in the ongoing sprint must reorganize the goal priorities
- Any unexpected goal issues that were not planned should be reported immediately to the team to reorganize the sprint priorities
- Any goal exceeds its planned estimates, the team should report and reorganize the sprint priorities
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